Meloetta Changelog 07/12/24
Published: 7/12/24
Author: Joshua Randall

This is the Meloetta changelog from the private gitlab repository. Changes in a recent breaking change in the python library pytube rendered the bot going in a loop when either a URL or search term is passed.
Fortunately, someone was able to create a merge request to allow one of our developers and myself to fix these issues. The bot is now back up and running, and we are working on a more permanent solution to this issue.
- Colors are now temporarily in
- AFK timeout will kick the bot from VC after 2 minutes of not playing music, being paused, or being the only one in VC.
- Meloetta will now use the OPUS voice connectivity library, and should work on any CPU architecture with the docker container.
- Temporarily fixed major issues with
You can learn more or add Meloetta to your server by clicking here. A fully designed site will be in the works soon, stay tuned.